Recipe- Mango Dolly/ Soft creamy Mango Ice cream
“Smooth and creamy mango dolly scoop ice cream/ Just 3 Ingredient/ no cooking/ ready in minutes”
Recipe- Paan Laddu (No Cooking)
“Enjoy the cool cool digestive as well refreshing after dinner dessert packed with its long lasting flavors of paan (/betel leaves), Saunf (/sweet fennel seeds), gulkand (rose patel jam) and last but not the least coated with all time favorite chocolate.”
Recipe- Paan/ Betel Leaf Ice Cream (No cooking)
“Easy to make, no cooking, irresistible to eat, digestive, refreshing after dinner chilled creamy ice cream with a long lasting flavors of all time favorite betel leaves, fennel seeds and gulkand, whats called PAAN.”
Recipe- Eggless Mango Cake
“Summer special eggless soft and spongy mango cake, easy recipe and no need of any electric beater, even with quick and easy serving ideas.”