Day 1- Wash and soak methi dana overnight in an airtight container.
Day 2- Wash again and change the water soak again overnight.
Day 3- Wash again and discard all water. Cover and keep aside in dark for another 24 hours.
Day 4- Now they start sprouting. Wash once lightly, cover and keep aside for another 24 hours in dark.
Day 5- You can see further sprouting. Do not wash now, cover and keep aside for another 24 hours in dark.
Day 6- Now you can see some leaves with long sprouts. Cover and keep aside for another 24 hours.
Day 7- Now there are more leaves and longer stems. Do not cover now and keep it in open.
Now day by day there will be more leaves. keep them outside in open. Keep sprinkling some water everyday.
By Day 14- There are more leaves to consume. Cut the upper leaves by scissors to consume in and sabzi or paratha. More leaves will grow again just keep sprinkle little water everyday and wait for another leaves to grow.
Recipe Notes
Wash well and drain all excessive water untill 4th day. Do not wash when they start sprouting.
Use a wide box to grow methi, so that all seeds gets enough space to grow.
Keep sprinkling little water everyday once leaves start to grow.