Good To Know Tips
Hi Mothers, I know how much you have to fight to feed your tiny tots. Here are some of my tricks (tried and tested), especially for fussy eaters.
    Recipe Notes
    • Your baby also has taste buds 🙂 so make sure to include varieties.
    • Prepare a balanced diet which includes calcium, iron, protein, fibers, vitamins and other minerals.
    • I suggest using most vegetables and fruits, whole wheat flour, ragi (mallet), rice, suji, pure ghee (not butter as it is less natural) and yogurt (curd) besides milk. Ragi may not be a part of some Indian cuisines, especially in north India. But this is probably one of the most important grains to be included in baby foods.
    • Don’t force the baby to eat more, let them develop their own taste and adjust the quantity they want to eat.
    • Try to follow a schedule of feeding with your baby (e.g. fixed timings of each meal) according to the baby’s liking. So that they can have their appetite tuned to this schedule. This is very important especially in the case of fussy eaters 🙂

    Important Note:- Adjust salt and chili according to your child taste and tolerance.

    Do try these quick, easy and colorful recipes, which are also cool tiffin ideas for school going kids. Hope your little ones enjoy them:)

    Happy cooking.

    “Be Vegetarian Be Happy”
    “Live and Let Live”