Recipe- Blackberry Frozen Yogurt
Frozen Yogurt
Blackberries 7-8 nos
Ripe Banana 1 large
Sugar 3 tbsp
Thick Curd 2 cups
Milk 1 tbsp
- Wash and cut the blackberries and deep freeze for an hour.
- deep freeze for an hour.
- to a smooth paste.
- Add thick curd and blend well.
- Pour in to an airtight jar and deep freeze for 3-4 hours.
- Now before serving remove from freezer and keep in refrigerator for 15 minutes.
- This will help easy scooping.
- garnish with banana and berries.
- Serve chill.
You may choose your choice of fruits or berries, like strawberry, blueberry, mango, kiwi, banana etc.
Adjust sugar as per your taste.